6 Sep.

Health inside and out

A salt therapy in a salt cave or in a salt cabin can be used mainly for relieving allergic symptoms or respiratory illnesses, for example asthma or bronchitis, but for some cutaneous diseases it can also be a remedy. In Europe, especially in Central- and Eastern – Europe, there are numerous natural salt caves waiting for people, who are seeking to heal. Salt cabins can be found in every noteworthy wellness center. Because of the lack of English studies, American doctors advise caution in the use of salt therapy, but numerous Polish, Russian and Baltic research projects certify the beneficial effects of salt caves and salt cabins.

The positive effects of salt were recognized first in the Ancient Rome. The Roman saltminers recognized the improvement of their breathing and the growth of their lung capacity in the long run. A part of the ancient Olympians encouraged by this used salt therapy regularly in order to improve their performance, but apart from them, others don’t attribute special importance to it. We can find information about the healing power of salt in the Polish studies of the 12th century and the home of modern salt therapy can be found in Poland. Dr. Feliks Boczkowski who is the doctor of the miners working in the salt caves, claimed in a note from 1843 that the health state of miners was remarkable, especially compared to coalminers. His successor has established a separate room in the salt cave which the miners could use for therapeutic purposes, and later the audience could use it as well. Nowadays, the Wieliczka salt cave is still a popular destination for people, who would like to heal and relax.

Using a salt cabin regularly has a beneficial effect on your health.


Many swear on salt caves, but the artificial salt cabins, which are installed at home, are as beneficial as the caves. The classical salt caves rarely have separated, private rooms, so guests are under the necessity of spending their relaxation time with strangers which is not considered to be a real relaxation. Having a salt cabin at home is an excellent way of an intimate relaxation and healing; moreover, we can spare lots of time, if we don’t have to go so far away or to the beach to relieve our symptoms. If you have never been in a salt cabin, then mostly the medium of the sea is that you can feel similar. Spending 45 minutes in a salt cabin corresponds roughly to a three day long beach trip that is often favorable to our overcrowded calendar.

How exactly does this salt cabin work? Why is salt therapy so healthy? Two features are worth highlighting. Firstly, Himalayan salt blocks and salt bricks situated in the INUA salt cabins release negative ions. The injured or sick cells in our body are electron-deficient, so the electron-rich medium helps the healing and the recovery on the cellular level by picking up electrons. Another important working mechanism is the feature of salt that it is antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral, thus helping the epithelial cells (cells that are responsible for protecting our body) working properly. The salt therapy can relieve or immunize symptoms or completely stop asthma, bronchitis, allergy, cystic fibrosis, psoriasis and skin irritation. If you are so lucky that you don’t suffer from a respiratory or skin disease, then salt therapy is the ideal and natural solution for boosting your lung capacity or your performance in sport, for relieving stress or headache.

If you are frightened of using a salt cabin because you have experienced dry skin and hair on beach holidays, we have good news for you. NaCl, also known as common salt, and sea salt all have a strong dehydration effect, but the mineral salts used in the salt cabins have natural moisturizer features, thereby encouraging the ideal water retention of our skin.

Using salt cabins is safe for every age group and even children can play with the salt which is sprayed all over on the floor of the salt cabin in a thick layer. They can play with this salt, as if they were in a sand box or at the coast. The asthmatic and allergic people, who use salt cabins in order to relieve their symptoms, should begin using it carefully: for the first time spending only 10-15 minutes in the salt cabin and then increasing the period of time gradually. Although salt is responsible for relieving the irritation of respiratory organs, it can occur that the sensitive organism is irritated further by the salty air. According to the accepted rule of thumb, if you don’t experience any complaints at the coast, then you can bravely use the salt cabin. So it is important to be cautious to begin the therapy with small steps in the salt cabin, thus guaranteeing the charitable change in the long run.



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