22 Jul.

Fighting cellulite with infrared lights

Despite often being seen as an illness or a Infrared saunas can contribute to cellulite-lossmedical condition, cellulite is not dangerous, nor is it harmful – so we’ve got no real reason to be afraid of it. 90% of women experience having cellulite at least once throughout their lifetime, regardless of age, weight, fitness level and overall health. Though cellulite holds no health risks, it can seriously damage our confidence, so it’s understandable that many women are constantly trying to get rid of it. What can you do for a dimple-free body? Well, it’s mostly genetics, but with a healthy diet, regular exercise and weekly (or even daily) infrared sauna sessions you can dramatically reduce the appearance of cellulite – and hopefully you can even get rid of it for good!

The benefits of regular infrared cabin sessions are almost endless. They provide a perfect place for a delightful relaxation without being excruciatingly hot (like traditional Finnish saunas can be), they boost the immune system, contribute to weight loss, help release harmful toxins from the body, and they can even be an effective remedy for cellulite.

Know your enemy

First of all you should probably know exactly what cellulite is. Those little dimples you see on your thighs, bottom, belly or arms are simple fat deposits.  As time passes, and your skin starts producing less and less collagen, these fat deposits become more visible. Prevention is key – once you start seeing the signs of cellulite on your body, it’s going to be really difficult to get rid of it. Even if you currently don’t have cellulite, look around in your family: if your female relatives have it, there’s a good chance that someday you will too. So start incorporating regular infrared sessions into your lifestyle today!

Infrared lights against cellulite

While you are enjoying a well-deserved session in your at-home infrared sauna, the gentle heat of the infrared lights is doing its job: it increases your heart rate and sweating, warms up your body, and improves your blood circulation. All these processes going on in your body help to reduce cellulite by encouraging the buildup of toxins to leave your system.

So just lean back in your cabin, listen to your favourite relaxation music, while you burn calories (in just a single 30 minutes session your body can burn up to 60-80 calories) and become fitter and healthier.

Regular use of an infrared cabin can contribute to cellulite reduction and smooth skin, but so far it hasn’t been scientifically proven that sauna sessions alone could eliminate cellulite.

You can win the battle against cellulite – if you’re patient and persistent with your lifestyle choices and sauna sessions. Make sure that you work out and eat well. Try and reduce stress in your life, and don’t forget to reward yourself with regular massages (either in a spa or at home).

(Illustration: bikram.ru)

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