Salt Therapy

Salt mines and caves are natural deposits of mineral rock salt (halite) and are derived from evaporated ancient lakes and seas. The unrefined rock salt also includes varying concentration of other mineral salts, such as calcium and magnesium, manganese and sulphates, which have additional therapeutic properties depending on the source. The crystal salt we use in our INUA salt cabins and vitariums is mined in the Punjab region, Pakistan. The foothills of the Salt Range are located 300 km from the Himalayas. This salt is an unrefined, unprocessed raw salt that formed millions of years ago as ocean salt settled into geological pockets. It occurs sometimes in a reddish or pink colour.

"KhewRa Mines Salt and Water" by Sqamarabbas

“KhewRa Mines Salt and Water” by Sqamarabbas

"Khewra Salt Mine - Rock salt as ceiling" by Shahid Razzaq

“KhewRa Salt Mine – Rock salt as ceiling” by Shahid Razzaq

Our salt cabins and vitariums are simulated salt therapy rooms, similar to salt caves which can be customised to your needs and produced in different sizes and shapes. You can achieve the benefits of regular salt cave sessions, within the comfort of your own home. We use natural pink salt blocks as building elements and integrate additionally the brine nebuliser from Collaxx based on a patented ultrasonic technology. By means of ultrasonic fine micro particles are produced (1-10 micrometers in diameter) which get into the lungs especially deep. In a relaxed environment, the brine treatment is twice as constitutional. Your INUA sauna, infrared cabin, vitarium or salt cabin can turn into a complete home therapy centre.

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