Light and Color

Chromotherapy is a method of treatment that uses the visible spectrum (colours) of electromagnetic radiation to improve the wellbeing and cure diseases.

The history of colour medicine is as old as that of any other medicine. Phototherapy (light therapy) was practiced in ancient Egypt, Greece, China and India. The Egyptians utilised sunlight as well as colour for healing. Colour has been investigated as medicine since 2000 BC. People of that era were certainly unaware of the scientific facts of colours as medicine, but they certainly had faith in healing with colours.

Scientists, who have studied colour and light extensively, recognize that colours bring about emotional reactions in individuals and impact our wellbeing. Now you can perform your daily session in our INUA saunas, infrared cabin, vitariums or salt cabins while using a highly effective chromotherapy panel to vary colours from red to blue or green and beyond. It is amazing how you can effect your mood and improve your wellbeing by choosing different colours. Here is an introduction to the four main colours:


  • Red is the colour of fire and strength. The colour red is associated with life, but also with passion. Red is believed to vitalise the body.
  • Yellow is the colour of the sun and situated at the warm end of the colour spectrums. Yellow elates us and cheers us up.
  • Green is the primary colour of nature, perceived as the calmest of all colours. Green is important for inner harmony and an ideal colour to regain peace of mind.
  • Blue is the colour of the sky and the sea. Creating a pleasant athmosphere, the colour blue can have a relaxing effect on the body. Blue lets you breathe evenly and inhale deeply, it relaxes, calms and smoothes. In addition, blue can provide relief from sleeplessness and stress.

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