25 Jul.

Saunas and juice cleanses

You’ve probably heard a thing or two about Detox your body with a juice cleanse and regular sauna sessionsjuice cleanses. In the past few years juice cleanses became very popular, and if you’re up for a little challenge, you should try it too!

There are many different variations of the juice cleanse. Some people substitute only one meal a day with juices or smoothies, others choose to dedicate a whole day a week for this habit and do it for several months, while the most popular approaches are still going on a full scale juice cleanse for 7-30 days.

Juice cleanses are a great way to detox your body, and if you want to take it to the next level, make sure to incorporate regular infrared sauna sessions into your daily routine! Infrared lights will help your body get rid of the toxin build-up quicker, but you’ll also enjoy all the other benefits of regular sauna sessions, including better sleep, lower blood pressure and stress relief. We recommend the infrared lights rather than the steam, because they can penetrate skin’s deeper layers as well.

How do I start?

Here are some preparations to keep in mind so you don’t have to rush or feel stressed during your cleanse:

  • plan your juices and shop accordingly,
  • book some massages – you will deserve some extra luxury,
  • visit your favourite gym every day,
  • scale back your social engagements to avoid temptation on food and alcohol,
  • don’t forget to schedule your cabin

The menu

Drink 5-7 juices or smoothies a day – the ingredients may vary according to your preferences. We suggest some light dishes for beginners: a fruit bowl for breakfast, fresh salad for lunch and dinner. No meat, refined sugar, dairy products or wheat!

Our favourite: the Green Goddess of INUA! Try this fresh, healthy and delicious juice recipe! Combine the following ingredients in a blender and add some water or herb tea:

  • 6 chard leaves
  • 1-2 cups of sliced pineapples
  • 5 cucumber
  • 1 green apple
  • 5-1in piece of ginger.

It’s the perfect treat after a relaxing sauna session. Let the world go for a few minutes – reward yourself for the amazing progress you are making. And remember that attitude is everything. You can do anything that you put your mind to. Even a juice cleanse!


(Illustration: www.tasteforlife.com)

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