20 Jun.

Fresh and healthy skin – the skincare benefits of saunas

Healthy skinMost people take a Finnish sauna or a steam bath to heal and charge up their body and soul or to prevent diseases but these little hot cabins serve as a complex skincare program as well. Treat and cure yourself in a private sauna in the sanctuary of your own home or in the peace of your own garden. You only have to make sure to drink enough water – your new design sauna will do the rest. Lean back and relax as your skin gets younger and healthier!


Depending on your skin type, age and health, having a sauna will have several beneficial effects on your body. The magic starts with excessive sweat production: the extremely hot temperature of the cabin opens up the pores, thus making toxins, oils and dirt leave your skin faster and more efficiently. Various skincare products such as face creams or deodorants, combined with dead skin cells can clog your pores, leading to blackheads or acne. Regularly using a sauna helps boost collagen production and avoid inflammation, while turning your skin healthier, and it can even soften lighter wrinkles.


The cabin’s heat raises your heart rate by around 30%, and also provides a higher level of oxygen in your blood. The higher blood-oxygen indicates faster circulation which draws more oxygen and nutrients to the skin, creating a rejuvenated and younger looking skin.


A study published by Harvard University found that a single session in a sauna, steam bath or infra cabin can make a person sweat as much as half a liter. Toxins are leaving the body but the important minerals stay in the system and help increase the skin’s elasticity and firmness. As a bonus, frequently using a sauna boosts your metabolism too, which can help in weight loss.
Now you can enjoy all the benefits of saunas in your own home! A private indoor or outdoor sauna is no longer a luxury. Today you can have your very own stylish and environmentally friendly sauna without robbing a bank, and it will surely become your new favorite place in your home. With the help of an experienced, highly trained team of professionals you can custom design your own sauna as well, ensuring that every last inch of it will be just as you wished.

(Illustration: Asporta.de)

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